Women & Children

Northern Beaches Women's Shelter
02 9977 7772
For crisis support & emergency accommodation women & children or single women

Women & Children First
02 9971 4499
For crisis support & emergency accommodation

Women's Resilience Centre
02 9979 1865
1300 895 991
Long-term support and recovery for women & children or single women

Domestic Violence Response Enhancement
9am-5pm 94882400
After hours 9488 2580

Northern Sydney Family Connect and Support
1800 066 757

Children and Youth

Kids Helpline for ages 5 - 25 years
1800 55 1800

Taldumande for ages 12- 24 years
02 9460 3777

Burdekin Association
02 8976 1777

Avalon Youth Hub for ages 12- 25 years
0487 936 875

First Nations

Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence
1800 019 123

13YARN (24/7 crisis hotline)
13 92 76


Counselling, Information and Support

NSW Domestic Violence Line (24/7 hotline) 1800 65 64 63

1800 RESPECT (24/7 hotline) 1800 73 77 32

Lifeline (24/7 crisis hotline)
Call 13 11 14 Text 0477 131 114
Lifeline Northern Beaches
9949 5522

Full Stop Australia (24/7 hotline) 1800 385 578

Relationships Australia Dee Why 1300 364 277


Rainbow Sexual, Domestic and Family Violence Helpline (24/7 hotline)
1800 497 212

Drop In Service

LocalKind (formerly Community Northern Beaches) 02 9977 1066

Seniors and Disability

Ageing and Disability Abuse Helpline 1800 628 221


MensLine (24/7 hotline) 1300 789 978

Catholic Care 13 18 19

Court Support and Case Management

Northern Sydney Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Scheme (WDVCAS)
02 8425 8707